Sunday, March 9, 2014

SOLSC 8/31

As a little girl, I always had a book. I would carry it everywhere, i still do. And sometimes, whenever I could, I would curl up on a bench. My nose pressed against the pages. Letting all of the sounds blend together into the background. Caring about nothing except for the letters on the page. "Libraries are full of ideas, perhaps the most dangerous weapon of all." To me, that has always been true. Ideas change us, ideas are what the entire human race is built on. Without them, we would be nonexistent, still cavemen living in the wilderness. Books are just one of the millions of ideas that have erupted from our history. Translations of history, stories of myths and legends that have shaped cultures. This is why I enjoy reading so much. I love being able to see all of the different ideas as they are woven together into a cutting edge story. One that can be so incredibly persuasive, truthful and thought provoking that you can spent hours going over it in your mind imagining the what ifs and thinking about what could or might have happened. This is where I believe that most ideas come from: the imagination. When it is completely un monitored and random anything can be possible.

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