Sunday, March 9, 2014

SOLSC 7/31 Random

I have always loved stories. I love the way words sound in my mind, the way a few sentences can be turned into something beautiful. I love how my mind wanders, thinking about what or what could have happened even after I have finished. To me, words have always been something amazing. Seeing letters turn into words and those words transform into sentences. Watching silently as those sentences weave a whole other world. My favorite of these worlds, are the ones I create myself: the ones that I dream about. 
One of my favorite feelings in the world is when my mind is wandering, thinking about everything and nothing. When reality seems like a dream. When everything real is far, far away and I stumble onto ideas of what ifs. I love just being able to let my mind wader, unconsciously navigation the labyrinth inside my head sifting its way through my ideas and memories. Jolting awake whenever remember something important, or imagine something so incredibly important or interesting that I’m raised from my ide minded stupor. Or in other words a very deep technique of procrastination.

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