Sunday, March 9, 2014

SOLSC 6/31 Reading

I read... a lot. I love to surround myself with words and stories. Traveling to distant worlds, when reality is dark and unforgiving. Leaving all of my problems behind as I imagine far away mountains, their jagged peaks surrounded by clouds. Riverbeds, the soft trickling sound of the creek as it winds down to the ocean, traveling through desolate wastelands or dark forests.
I love being able to loose myself in a character finding comfort and strength in them when I can no longer do so on my own. Books give me a place where I feel like I belong. If I could, I would read for hours and never stop. Theres just something about begin to escape reality, if only for a moment and losing yourself within paper and ink. One of my favorite quotes is "Books are proof that humans can do magic." I cannot remember the author of that quote but it has stayed in my head since I first read it, if only because I believe it to be true. Books are what keep me from feeling alone, I can wrap the words and tales that they weave around me like a blanket.

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